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  • jesse4430


HURLEY - As the Iron County Board of Supervisors continues to work on the budget, finance committee chairman Kurt Wolff reports that $1.75 million had already been saved from the 2024 budget, by addressing oversights, cutting expenses and putting off some capital expenditures. Phase 1 of the work also avoided cutting any employees. There is still a shortfall of $850,000, and Wolff said now some tough decisions will need to be made, and that could include changes that affect staff. County revenues have been on the decline, so Wolff said a referendum will probably be in the future. The next step for the board will be to determine where and how cuts can be made and get input internally. Selling buildings and asking suppliers to compete for Iron County’s business were just some of the ideas floated at the last finance meeting. Board Chairman Larry Young said he planned to schedule a meeting with department heads to see more input.

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