IRONWOOD-----Citizens of Gogebic County will vote for two positions to the Gogebic Community College Board of Trustees in the November 5, 2024, election. The positions held by Eric Fitting and William Malloy are regular six-year terms and will run through December 31, 2030. Both incumbents have announced their intention to run in the General Election. Candidates must be nominated by petitions signed by no less than 40 nor over 100 qualified registered voters residing within Gogebic County. Filing Form and Petitions or the nonrefundable filing fee must be filed no later than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 23rd. All forms must be filed with the Gogebic County Clerk. The forms are available online from the State of Michigan Secretary of State website or from the Gogebic County Clerk. We have a link to that site on the WUPM Facebook page.