ONTONAGON - Wednesday night, the Ontonagon Health Committee met and gave residents an update on a plan for a new hospital. The committee of shareholders outlined the next steps to bringing a health facility with an ER and assisted living to the area. State representative Greg Markkanen was in attendance to show his support. Robinson Rubber Products Company CEO and Project Manager Peter Wolf said the next item on the list is a certificate of need, and another hospital agrees to back it. Wolf also said the committee is aiming for a non-profit medical group to sign on to the facility. The plan, once it’s been presented to Lansing and Washington, is to build the facility in the Maple Manor Nursing Center, which has been donated and is being renovated by Norman Pestka. Assistance in funding the renovations is being provided through the efforts of Congressman Jack Berman, Representative Markkanen and Mr. Pestka. More public meetings will be scheduled once the certificate of need has been secured. It’s hoped the facility will be completed by late 2027