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  • jesse4430

UPPER MICHIGAN - Governor Whitmer announced the newly passed education budget for the next school year WILL continue providing universally-free breakfast and lunch to Michigan’s 1.4 million public school students throughout the school year.  Michigan schools are projected to have served 76.3 million breakfasts and 135.6 million lunches to students in the last school year. 

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  • jesse4430

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission has unanimously approved a set of best practices to ensure the security of unstaffed absentee ballot drop boxes that the state Supreme Court recently ruled could be installed for the fall elections. The best practices are being distributed to the state’s 1,800 local officials who administer elections. They detail ways to make drop boxes and surrounding areas safe. The guidance also tells clerks that drop boxes should be emptied before they get full. The guidance does not specify that the boxes be emptied on any type of regular interval.

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  • jesse4430

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden saying he is still up for the job since his disastrous debate performance on June 27. He continues that effort today in Michigan.  The Biden campaign says he is the clearest path to victory in November. That strategy is why Biden is redoubling his efforts in the Midwestern states, hitting Detroit nearly one week after he campaigned in Madison, Wisconsin.  Today’s trip comes after a lengthy news conference last night during which Biden batted away questions about his age and fitness to serve.

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