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  • jesse4430

MILWAUKEE - Eric Hovde, the leading Republican candidate for the Wisconsin Senate seat, spoke at the RNC last night. He welcomed the crowd of delegates and attendees to Wisconsin. Hovde spoke about national security, immigration reform and the economy. He brought up the close relationship between Senator Baldwin and President Joe Biden.  Hovde is trying to gain ground in the Senate race. A poll from YouGov last week found that Senator Tammy Baldwin is up by 7 points against Hovde. The race is getting tighter as election day nears. 

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  • jesse4430

LAC DU FLAMBEAU - The town of Lac du Flambeau has drafted a proposal to send to the tribal council of the Lac due Flambeau tribe in order to resolve the dispute between the two regarding four roads on tribal land. The tribe is asking for almost $10 million to resolve expire easements and payments not made of the tribe for access to those roads on tribal land. The town in the proposal has put forth that $1.9 million dollars would be offered to pay trespass damages and to pay the tribe for 50-year easements on seven parcels of land directly adjacent to the four roads, along with several other conditions. One of the conditions is that the town would grant right of way through the town to allow for the tribe’s broadband initiative for free, which when previously put to the tribe was rejected, since broadband is considered to be a necessity, regardless of property lines. Only one of the supervisors presents voted against the proposal.

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  • jesse4430

BESSEMER - Residents of Bessemer can expect higher water rates soon. The City Council approved the increase in water rates beginning September 1st, with more hikes in the future plan. The rate hike will help the city do some much-needed work on the city’s water system, including replacing a water main and reservoir tank, and to pay off the 40 year that will allow that work to be done in a timely manner. Businesses can expect a $42 readiness to serve charge each month in addition to the water used. Residences will pay an $84 readiness to serve charge every two months, plus $7.52 per 1,000 gallons used. Again, folks in Bessemer can expect to see that rate change in September.

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