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  • jesse4430

UPPER MICHIGAN - The future of Michigan’s state forest land is now under review.  The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is taking public comment on its new plan for nearly 4 million acres. The DNR held a public meeting at the Marquette Township Hall Thursday to discuss its 10-year State Forest Management Plan.  Some key changes for this new plan include a larger focus on climate change-based strategies, focusing more on long-term sustainability and combining four plans into one comprehensive plan.  This plan will help guide the annual management that occurs across the state on the 4 million acres of state forest. 

  • jesse4430

LAKE SUPERIOR - There's a high-tech search going on in Michigan’s Lake Superior. But so far it hasn't turned up a plane that crashed in 1968, killing three people who were on a scientific research trip. An autonomous vessel was launched Monday in a section of Lake Superior where the plane is believed to have crashed more than 50 years ago. The Armada 8 sends sonar readings and other data to experts. They say there's been no confirmation of an aircraft. Three people were on the plane collecting lake data for the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

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  • jesse4430

CRANDON - Three people from Crandon are being charged with first degree reckless homicide for their involvement in an overdose death that happened on April 2, 2023.  65-year-old Steven Tuckwab, 33-year-old Dakota Tuckwab and 40-year-old Sheena Tuckwab were formally charged on Wednesday, September 11.  The incident involving the overdose death of a 27-year-old man in Forest County.

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