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  • jesse4430

ASHLAND - The murder trial of Ashland business owner Nathan Monkelien has been delayed. He was slated to go on trial later this month on two charges of first-degree murder among other charges. Monkelien stands accused in the shooting deaths of brothers Manuel and Luis Garcia Salas of Veracruz, Mexico. The reason for the delay, which was scheduled for the 29th is that several witnesses are not available at that time and forensics experts need more time to analyze evidence, including the clothing the victims wore and the gun Monkelien used to shoot them. Iron County Circuit Court Judge Anthony Stella said his main concern was having complete evidence available during the trial. As it stands now, the trial has been pushed to early 2025. Monkelien’s attorney asked about releasing him from custody in the meantime, but Judge Stella denied the request.

  • jesse4430

HURLEY – The Groundbreaking of a Hurley housing project delayed due to wetland issues.  Impact Seven of Rice Lake has been spearheading the project now saying their original plans for the housing site now must be adjusted slightly delaying the start of the project to October.  The project is planned on Hurley’s infamous “road to nowhere,” off Highway 77 near Cary Mine Convenience.  Coleman Engineering of Ironwood is helping design the new site plan for the project.

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  • jesse4430

BAYFIELD - Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers made a special trip to Bayfield earlier in the week to look at the work being done on the Brownstone Trail and even took the time for a hike along the trail. Landmark Conservancy recently received a grant from Wisconsin Coastal Management to create the final restoration design for the trail. Over the past few years, part of the trail began to erode into Lake Superior due to storms in 2017, forcing re-routing and closure of parts of the trail. Landmark calls the Brownstone Trail a critical artery of the Bayfield Trails network. The design works the grant will finance will help ensure the trails survival over the next half century or more.

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