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  • jesse4430

N. WISCONSIN / UP - The Federal Communication Commission has voted on a rule that cuts the cost of prison and jail phone calls.  At large jails, 15-minute calls can cost more than $11, but the new rule will lower that to 90 cents.  At small jails, a 15-minute call that would cost more than $12 will be lowered to $1.35.  There will also be a per-minute rate cap for video calls.  Thursday’s vote comes after President Joe Biden signed a law last year that clarified that the FCC has the authority to regulate call rates at correctional facilities.

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  • jesse4430

IRONWOOD - After discussions during the Gogebic County Personnel and Negotiations Committee meeting and the County Board of Commissioner’s meeting, the board voted to take over collections and administration of all future rental and storage revenue from the county fairgrounds in Ironwood. Committee member Jim Lorenson said there has always been some confusion with regard to that revenue and now the process will be streamlined. The new system will apply to all buildings at the fairgrounds. In the past, the Fair Board has handled such transactions. The board also voted not to allow rental of the fairground areas for events until the board has hired a fairground administrator who will handle the duties currently overseen by interim fair coordinator Juliane Giaikino. Rental agreements already scheduled would be the exception.

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  • jesse4430

IRONWOOD - New Ironwood Area School District Superintendent Dan Martinson will be one of the speakers at the opening ceremonies for the Luther L. Wright K-12 Centennial Celebration later on today. Martinson took over from former Superintendent Travis Powell on July 1st. Martinson started as a social studies teacher in Ironwood in the late 90’s – early 2000’s. He worked in Escanaba then returned to Ironwood in 2014, working in several areas, becoming assistant principal and athletic director for the Ironwood Area Schools. Martinson says his first year will be spent getting up to speed in his position. He says Superintendent Powell and everyone in the district has laid great groundwork for the future of the district.

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