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  • jesse4430

BESSEMER - The Bessemer Common Council met last night.  Under Old business the council decided to continue garbage service for 6 residents who live in Yale location in Bessemer who receive city water and city services but are located on the township side of the street.  Garbage services were to end for those township residents but last night the council decided to continue those services for those residents until at least the end of the current contract with Republic Services.  The council also received an update on the 1.4-million-dollar Iron Belle Apartments project from Jim and Chad Bucknell.  The permits for the project have been approved and the engineering for the project has been completed.  The Apartment project will be built in an area on the south side of the city along the Iron Belle Trail. 

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  • jesse4430

UPPER MICHIGAN - The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has modified rules concerning e-bikes in state parks, forest lands, and just about anywhere a standard bike would be previously allowed. The DNR now says those areas will also be open to Class One E-Bikes for most riders. Class One bikes have a maximum assisted speed of 20 mph, and will only provide rider assistance. People with disabilities requiring more assistance are able to request an annual waiver to use Class Two e-bikes, which still have a limit of 20 mph but can be operated with a throttle independent of pedaling. Class Three e-bikes have a top speed of 28 mph and still will not be allowed. The DNR will be doing public outreach regarding the rule change and will also be posting signage. The rule change does not include segments that share trail with the North Country Trail, the interstate route running through both peninsulas, or on Mackinac Island, which has its own regulations and allows Class One e-bikes for people with certain disabilities.

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  • jesse4430

BAYFIELD COUNTY - A new clinic opens today in Cable, in Bayfield County.

Tamarack Health has announced it is opening the Cable Clinic in the former Big Brook Greenhouse location. The Cable Clinic will provide primary care services led by Drs. Jeff Eichten and Laura Murphy, who have ties in northwest Wisconsin. Dr. Eicthen is a family physician and Dr. Murphy is also a family physician and a former NCAA Division 1 soccer player. Kevin Roy, VP of Provider and Clinic Operations says expanding primary care services to areas like Cable are of major importance, providing care that will improve overall health outcomes, by making quality healthcare accessible.

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