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  • jesse4430

IRONWOOD – Pump prices in Michigan are down 12 cents from a week ago.  Michigan drivers now pay an average of $3.46 per gallon for regular unleaded gas. This price is 6 cents less than this time last month and 42 cents less than this time last year. The national average currently sits slightly below the state, at $3.41 per gallon.  Around the Upper Peninsula, the lowest average is in Gogebic County at $3.24 per gallon with Ironwood prices lower at $3.13 a gallon.   The highest is in Mackinac County at $3.77 per gallon.

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  • jesse4430

HURLEY – The Hurley City Council amends an ordinance that will allow pit bull terriers used as service animals to be exempt from the city ban on the breed. Police Chief Chris Colassaco stated the city has been wrestling with the issue for some time, and that moving ahead may be difficult, since some pit bull owners will simply claim their dog is a service animal. City Attorney Ray O’Dea agreed that moving forward would be difficult, but that the city is not without power to deal with dogs that have been specifically identified as vicious.

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  • jesse4430

BESSEMER - The Parks and Rec survey is still available online and the city of Bessemer is encouraging you to fill it out.   The committee has received quite a few responses so far, but they say they would like to see more! It only takes a few minutes. You can do it online or stop by the Bessemer City Hall for a printed version.  The survey asks how often you use the playgrounds, what you like best about Bessemer parks, and how the city can improve existing parks among other questions.  We have a link to the survey on our Facebook page and website.

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