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  • jesse4430

IRONWOOD – It’s First Friday in downtown Ironwood! There will be a Farmers Market set up in the City Square from 4-6pm today and will include additional artists and makers’ booths. Plus, AfroZep will be playing from 5:30-7 tonight.   As tradition downtown businesses will be staying open late tonight for first Friday.

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  • jesse4430

GOGEBIC / ONTONAGON COUNTIES - The Michigan Department of Education has awarded close to $25 million in grants to 16 education agencies for math teaching and learning. The grant comes from the State School Aid Act. The Gogebic-Ontonagon Intermediate School District received $10.4 million. The money will be used to hire early math specialists, who will work with kids in kindergarten through fifth grade to improve their math skills, including using a learning system called Number Corner, which help improve number sense. The State School Act initiative began because K-5th grade students were showing signs of struggling in math.

  • jesse4430

WAKEFIELD - A protest of the Copperwood Mine is scheduled for next Saturday.

Members from a number of tribes along with other allies will hold the Gichgaming Water Walk to highlight the environmental issues that come along with a fully operational mine, including the fact that the mine would be the closest metallic sulfide mine allowed near Lake Superior. The mine would also require storage of at least 30 million tons of mine waste filled with mercury and arsenic in an area that slopes toward the lake. The walk will pass through Ironwood, Bessemer and Wakefield, and end up at Lake Superior. The Water Walk is being hosted by members of Tribal Nations in collaboration with the Protect the Porkies campaign, a decentralized movement opposing Copperwood’s development. There is currently a petition of over 44,000 signatures calling for the halting of the mine’s development.

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