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  • jesse4430

ASHLAND - Businesses in downtown Ashland were open and several had signs out reminding shoppers to come in as work began pouring new sidewalks on Bayfield Street. The road is being rebuilt in two sections from the southern side of the city at Thompson Creek to Superior Street, near its northern boundary. Work on the southern part of the street is expected to be finished sometime in early 2025, with construction on the northern section of the street scheduled to start in 2026 or 27.

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  • jesse4430

BAYFIELD - The 61st Annual Bayfield Festival of the Arts was this past Saturday and Sunday. The event showcased favorite and new creators from Bayfield and the surrounding area. Carol Fahrenkrog, executive director of the Bayfield Chamber of Commerce, says that many will come into Bayfield from across the region to see the new work of a specific artist, and they spend the day in the city, which is a big boost to the local economy. The Bayfield Festival of Arts kicks off the third annual Art Escape! event, which is a nine-day celebration of all thing’s art across Bayfield County and Madeline Island from September 7th-15th.

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  • jesse4430

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has scored a legal victory in Michigan in his quest to get his name off of the ballot.  The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that Kennedy should be removed from the ballot, reversing a decision made earlier last week by a lower court judge. In Wisconsin Kennedy will remain on the ballot at least for now. 

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